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发布时间:2021-03-18 19:14:55
Implementing test data management efficiently

Peak Test Data Manager是 ASAM ODS的测量数据管理解决方案,它基于openMDM ®框架软件组件,由Peak Solutions精选并且深度开发。Peak Test Data Manager 在测试过程的各个步骤都可以帮助您,因此启用标准化或自动循环工作序列。

The Peak Test Data Manager is a ASAM ODS solution for measurement data management based on software components of the openMDM® 4 framework that were chosen and further developed by Peak Solutions. The Peak Test Data Manager helps you with the individual steps of the test procedures and therefore enable standardized or automated recurring work sequences.

Peak Test Data Manager进程支持涵盖了从测试描述、 测试调试和测试数据存储,导航、 搜索和选择。不同的制造商提供的测量系统和分析工具可以集成到标准化灵活处理的接口。

The Peak Test Data Manager process support covers everything from test description, test commissioning and test data storage to navigation, search and selection. Measuring systems and analysis tools from different manufacturers can be integrated into the process flexibly with standardized interfaces.
ASAM ODS 的通用数据模型能够让您数据存储的特定要求在任何时间都可快速、 方便地定制。根据要求,我们还可以通过Peak Test Data Manager 为不同领域的应用 (例如 NVH、 碰撞及发动机测试) 提供预定义应用程序模型。

Thanks to the generic data model of ASAM ODS, your specific requirements for data storage can be customized quickly and easily at any time. On request, we can also deliver the Peak Test Data Manager with predefined application models for different fields of application (e.g. NVH, crash and engine testing).

如您对Peak Test Data Manager有其它问题,我们非常乐意为您提供更详细的方案.

We will gladly provide more details about the various options your Peak Test Data Manager offers.

Peak Test Data Manager特点:

基于 ASAM ODS 和Peak ODS Server的标准化测试数据存储

Standardized test data storage based on ASAM ODS and Peak ODS Server


Templates for the description of test orders, test specimens, measurement equipment, etc. (metadata) can be defined individually

基于当启用测试时独特测试指定和自动操作执行的规则生成(如创建 pdf 订单和通过电子邮件发送)

Rule-based generation of unique test designations and automatic performance of actions (e.g. creating a pdf order and sending it by email) when the test is commissioned

ASAM ATFx 文件 导入 (可用不同的文件格式的进一步导入接口)

import of ASAM ATFx files (further import interfaces for different file formats available)

定义的层级结构级别中数据的结构化显示 (如字段、 项目、 系列测试,测试等)

Structured display of test data in definable hierarchy levels (e.g. field, project, test series, test, etc.)

上单层次结构的数据对象与任何所需文件的链接(例如测量数据、 描述、 评估等)

linking of data objects on single hierarchy levels with any desired files (e.g. measurement data, descriptions, evaluations, etc.)


Different viewers to display test data and measured values


Complex search runs based on all data objects and object attributes available in the system

导出ASAM ATFx 文件 (可用不同文件格式进一步导出的接口)

Export of ASAM ATFx files (further export interfaces for different file formats available)

为特定用户群释放以及锁定单个测试数据 (授权管理)

Release and locking of individual test data for specific user groups (authorization management)


Creation of individual application models with customizing tool 
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