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SAE J3016智能驾驶系统定义和分级

2025-03-19 08:50:03·  来源:智驾社  

2. 参考文献

2.1 适用文件


2.1.1 SAE出版物

可从 SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA15096-0001获得,电话:877-606-7323(美国和加拿大境内)或+1 724-776-4970(美国境外),www.sae.org。

SAE J670 Vehicle Dynamics Terminology

SAE J3063 Active Safety Systems Terms and Definitions

Shi,E.,Gasser,T.,Seeck,A.,andAuerswald,R.,“ThePrinciplesofOperationframework:AComprehensiveClassification Conceptfor Automated Driving Functions,” SAE Intl. J CAV 3(1):27-37, 2020https://doi.org/10.4271/12-03-01-0003.


2.1.2 ANSI认可的出版物


ANSI D16.1-2007 Manual on Classification of Motor Vehicle TrafficAccidents


2.1.3 其他出版物 

49 U.S.C. § 30102(a)(6) (definition of [motor] vehicle)

Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership - Automated Vehicle ResearchConsortium, “Automated Vehicle Research for Enhanced Safety - Final Report,可在https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NHTSA-2014-0070-0003。

Gasser, T. et al., “Legal Consequences of an Increase in VehicleAutomation,” July 23, 2013,可在http://bast.opus.hbz-nrw.de/volltexte/2013/723/pdf/Legal_consequences_of_an_increase_in_vehicle_automation.pdf。

Michon, J.A., 1985, “A Critical View of Driver Behavior Models: WhatDo We Know, What Should We Do?” In Evans, L. and Schwing, R.C. (Eds.). Humanbehavior and traffic safety (pp. 485-520). New York: Plenum Press, 1985.

Smith, B.W., “Engineers and Lawyers Should Speak the Same RobotLanguage,” in ROBOT LAW (2015),可在https://newlypossible.org。


2.2 缩略语列表

ACC 自适应巡航控制

ADAS 高级驾驶辅助系统

ADS 自动驾驶系统

ADS-DV 自动驾驶系统-专用车辆

AEB 自动紧急制动

DDT 动态驾驶任务

DSRC 专用短程通信

ESC 电子稳定控制

LKA 车道保持辅助系统

ODD 运行设计域

OEDR 目标物和事件检测与响应


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