2020-01-02 17781

- 控制策略开发试验(加速、减速、载荷分布),为纯电动车整车控制策略开发与优化提供试验支持;  
- 纯电动动力总成的标定;  
- 电动动力总成性能验证:(最高转速试验、温升试验、电压波动、效率测试、电机及控制器过载保护、故障分析、堵转等试验);  
- VC-、 MC- 等控制单元应用于纯电动车型开发与性能验证与标定; 
- 新能源汽车性能评估试验:负载变化,全负荷加速,部分负荷加速,减速等工况试验; 
- 耐久试验:稳态疲劳试验, 
- 自定义道路工况模拟试验;

Manufacturers strive to create uninterrupted acceleration utilizing electric drives and/or dual clutch transmissions in which Kleinknecht has been playing a vital role. For many years Kleinknecht, as a general contractor for turnkey installations, has been a well-known name in testing technology. Today, our test benches are integral and essential components of automotive manufacturing and their supply.
With our own automation system based on standard hardware, we are able to represent complex testing processes. Our services include design and manufacturing of the test bench mechanics, development of drive systems, data acquisition, test program generation and noise analysis.
Technical Specs/Product Range test benches (end-of-line operation and R&D):
Test benches for gearboxes
Test benches for automatic transmissions
Test benches for dual-clutch gears
Test benches for transfer cases
Test benches for mechatronics/valve body units
Test benches for motors (hybrid- and electric drives),
Test benches for components (e.g. clutches)
Test benches for vehicles (e.g. 2- and 4-wheel chassis dynamometer)
Special test facilities
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